Waiting for today to happen...

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

I Endeavoured to Find a Place Where I Became Untethered...

Right...Prepping For An Interview I Might Not Even Have Yet......

It's amazing sometimes what you can come up with when you've had a few. I'm after this job with North Lanarkshire Council. It looks fan-bloody-tastic. I wrote myself off for it until I did their "technical exercise last week" which I finished with 10 minutes to go like the god that I am. Plus Stephen reckons he stuffed it up big time, so that's one person out of the way right?

But yeah, good night last night when it was gonna turn into another terrible one. Unfortunately afterwards I woke up at 6am with a case of the spews, which is annoying because I never had THAT much (I think it was the Pepperoni), and couldn't get back to sleep till 11:30am getting up an hour later. But aye somewhere in between all the shaking and that time I managed to randomly think up a spiel for incase I actually get this interview!

It's by no means complete or anything. I'm just so poor at interviews and the thoughts were almost like an epiphany. I've been quite confused with what I want out of a career for so long. The idea of going into a graduate job is quite daunting and I think you'd get little time to yourself. Fair enough with most accountancy jobs where you want to qualify professionally you'll have to study for them on the side. I just saw this job and literally thought it'd be too good to be true, however it looks (hopefully) that it will be within my grasp. Fair enough next week I'll get a rejection email, just you wait and see.

I just think working in the public sector and for the council would be brilliant. It would be amazing to be credited eventually with finding ways of injecting income into the local council alongside creating a better quality of life. Its also a massive challenge against an aging population and the current recession anyway. 

I've thought recently with the curfews on the school grounds at Georgetown and Calside that they are just wasting space. There's massive space that could be used, and just shutting it away isn't helping the area. I reckon putting a couple of astroturf 5-a-side pitches in would be great, make some money and stop the kids hanging about outside the shops. Hell even the shops would get extra cash out of it! Dumfries is too big a place now to have nothing to do in it. Could try and maybe get Queens with their Scottish Cup money to plough it into that. They are wanting "a revenue stream" to enable them to build. There's a massive residential area sitting getting fat waiting for changes.

Council said they'd look at results of the test and go back to applications before choosing who to interview. If I don't get one I may phone up and complain, because I actually reckon they'll be making a massive mistake.


PS: Still don't know about this Manics album, not got all the references or even the lyrics yet so can't moan. Highlights are Peeled Apples, This Joke Sport Severed, Marlon J.D. (with its electronic beat and fucking RAWK) and Williams Last Words. Bonus track Bag Lady is pretty good too.

PPS: Need to watch The Wire. I'm missing out!

PPPS: Good luck Steve Dobbie at Swansea, shame out of the Welsh teams I prefer Cardiff! Want them both to do well though, invading England!

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Long Time No Speak...

Ach I feel terrible today.

Ended up getting dragged out into town again. I see it as actual exercise given that I don't have much reason to go out during the day. But why on earth go to Chancers? Deary me...

Even worse...I'm totally regretting it today. I'm not exactly hungover, but suffering from the dodgy pints of tennants I had. I'm not full out barfing, just feel my stomach tightening and...well I better not say anything else eh? It's quite unpleasant, that's all you need to know!

Just started in the Jolly before venturing to hell, sorry the Lyver, then to Slipstream and CHANCERS.

I'm totally sick of Dumfries now. I'm gagging to get away. Anywhere!

I really need to phone round the agencies but the last thing I want to do is to phone up people who have failed to deliver for me and/or ignored me before. I'm really not one for putting things in the past. I'd rather be a petty fucker.